What does success look like for you?
You’re probably thinking, well dang. That’s a loaded question. And you’re right. It is. So I want you to really think about what success looks like for you. Or at least what you think it may look like, because success will never look the same for all of us.
So while you’re thinking about what success may look like for you, here’s some food for thought:
We all have this standard of success in our minds but have we ever checked on who set that?
Success is relative.
Once we become what we think is successful, what’s next?
While we’re working towards success, often times we are forgetting about making an impact, which I know is something that is important to me. We get so caught up in the idea of hitting a certain goal that we don’t appreciate the journey. I know that sounds cliche, but it really is true. Appreciating all of the small wins that lead you to your big win. Appreciating the people who helped you get to where you are. Appreciating the effort that you had to put in to reach your goals. Being able to recognize all of that and seeing how significant that is to your success will help you level up.
Each and every one of us was created to produce a purpose. I know I’m at a point in life where I don’t necessarily know my purpose, but everyday I try to work on figuring that out by bettering myself in different capacities. Some of us are doing things to impress people who aren’t even paying attention. To me, that seems like a huge waste of time and energy. There are so many people in this world who can benefit from you and your purpose. Are you waiting for applause from the wrong person? Are you so addicted to hearing approval from others that you can’t receive approval from where it actually counts?
I’ve asked a lot of questions in this post. I hope you can sit down and ask yourself each of these questions because I promise if you take the time to reflect, you will have a much more clear vision of who you are meant to be and where you want to be. You may not know all the details, because realistically how could you ever, but you will be one step closer to knowing what your purpose is and how to live out that life.
Success will come when you realize that it has to be more than memorable to make it meaningful.
I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on this topic!
xo Adelyn